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After the hair transplant is complete, start washing your hair on the third day. In this process, you need to wash your hair with warm water at least once a day for 15 days without interruption.

In our clinic, you are given a special solution after hair transplantation. From the third day after the operation, this solution should be applied 2-3 times a day in the field of hair transplantation until the solution is completed.

First week and second week

1.Lotion application

The emollient lotion that is applied in the first two weeks accelerates the regeneration process of the cells of the scalp and is effective in softening the formation of scabs in the transplant area by keeping the skin moist.

Donor area and recipient area:

After the operation, it is necessary to apply the lotion in the transplanted area and the donor area, it will be enough to cover both areas with 7-8 drops. After applying the lotion, you should wait 40 minutes for the first wash and 20 minutes for the following washes. Then you can rinse your hair with warm water. You have to be meticulous when applying the lotion. For this, you must apply the lotion in the same direction as the transplanted grafts.

2.Shampoo application

We recommend a special medical shampoo after hair transplantation, this shampoo helps to remove the scabs that are seen in the area and accelerate the healing process.

After applying the lotion, you can wash it off as recommended.

When using the recommended medical shampoo, you should first lather your hands, then you should lather both the transplanted area and the donor area, trying to maintain softness without rubbing slowly.

Then wait 2-3 minutes and then rinse your hair.


Try to not use pressurized hot water when you wash your hair. During application, you should definitely use warm water. You can pour water into your hair with the help of a bowl. You should thoroughly rinse the shampoo on your hair.


We recommend not to use a towel while drying your hair after showering, by turning on the cold air mode of the hair dryer, you can dry it by keeping it at a distance.

Third and fourth weeks

Scabbing can continue for 20-30 days after hair transplantation. In this case, apply 12-15 drops of lotion in the recipient area for 2 hours. After applying lotion and washing them with the recommended shampoo, massage to gently remove the scabs area.

You can repeat the process that we have mentioned every day until the scabs disappear, as soon as you get rid of the scabs you can stop using the lotion, you must continue washing with the shampoo that we recommend or with a different shampoo until the end.

1 month after the hair transplant, the part considered risky ends, now you can start using a towel and go back to your normal life.

Reminder: It is very important that you follow the washing instructions during the first 2 weeks, once this period is over, we want you to take a photo of your head from different angles and send it to us.

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Medhair Clinic, where over 14,000 operations were performed, was founded by the dermatologist and hair transplant specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gulsum Gencoglan.

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